out of the blue
- idiom unexpectedly; without warning or preparation
#: After I hadn�t heard from her in six months, she called me out of the blue to meet for lunch.
#: I really can't understand how something like this could simply pop in out of the blue
rfc-level|Translations at L3+ (AutoFormat? would have corrected level of Translations)
Finnish: yllättäen, kuin salama kirkkaalta taivaalta (like a lightning bolt out of a clear sky)
Polish: jak grom z jasnego nieba
Portuguese: do nada
Russian: как г�ом ��еди ��ного неба (like a thunder in the clear sky), как �нег на голов� {like snow onto the head)
Swedish: Som en blixt ifrån klar himmel (like a lightning bolt out of a clear sky)
See also
out of nowhere
bolt from the blue